Conway Village

Congregational Church

September 2024

Click the newsletter link below to view or download the newsletter

We are striving to reopen our missions, the Conway Village Food Pantry, and the Conway Dinner Bell as soon as its feasible. Our current goal to reopen those missions is October/November. We hope to have all of the necessary ingredients in place in time to make our Apple Crisp for the Fryeburg Fair. Those ingredients include a new hot water heater, new refrigeration units installed and the town occupancy permit in hand by around Labor Day. We need your help to make this happen. If you can and would like to support our church and all that we do for our community, we would appreciate your contribution to our flood recovery fund. All funds donated to this fund will be solely for the purpose of reopening the building to include repair or replacement of equipment and items damaged in the flood.

If you are not able or prefer not to donate but would still like to help, we are seeking volunteers to help with our Fryeburg Fair Apple Crisp fundraising efforts. There are approximately 250 volunteer time slots to fill comprising over 800 volunteer hours of processing apples, mixing & baking the Crisp, and working at the fair selling Apple Crisp.

It is helpful to have volunteers sign up early. We are beginning the apple processing and baking earlier this year. In hopes of having all the baking done before the fair starts. Please sign-up for the time slots that you are available to help with the apple peeling and slicing. Our baking team is looking for two more people to assist them in baking nearly 500 pans of Crisp.

The Fair runs September 29th to October 6th. There are two shifts per day for booth coverage. The early shift is 11AM to 4 PM and the late shift is 4 PM to 9 PM. (We have booth coverage 7 am to 11 am, thank you Carl.) A parking pass and fair entrance pass are provided for each volunteer, although we encourage carpooling since we purchase the passes. Please sign up for the shifts you would like to cover as soon as possible. When signing up please enter only one name per time slot. Please include your phone number. We appreciate everyone’s commitment to this huge annual fundraising endeavor. Thank You. Please sign up online at    or sign up in person on Sunday mornings.

If you have any questions, please call 603-447-3851 or email the church office

If you have not been in the church building lately, let’s bring you up to date. Eastern Propane has installed the new underground 1000 gal- lon propane tank out behind the church. The asbestos abate- ment is complete, which included the flooring in the classroom and asbestos in the mechanical room. Items in the hallway and classroom have been moved to make room for electrical work and flooring.

In the next few weeks, the mechanical room will be completely cleaned out. Once this is done, the hot water heater can be installed. A mezzanine is being designed so the new heating equipment can be installed out of the flood plain. We are working on the bidding process for the heating equipment with Bergeron Technical Services.

Electrical work is scheduled to upgrade plugs for new refrigeration in the classroom (Food Pantry) and the hallway (Dinner Bell). New flooring is scheduled to be installed in the classroom and hallway.

Work in the crawlspace is also scheduled. A moisture barrier is being put down and the dehumidifiers are being replaced.

As you can see, a lot is happening. The installation of the hot water heater and reconnection of propane in the kitchen will allow the Dinner Bell to get back up and running. Their plan at this time is be up and running after the Fryeburg Fair.

Anne Getchell

Trustee Board ~ Anne Getchell, John Edgerton, Duddie Andrews, Nancy Irving, Nancy Divine, Tom Workman, ex officio member, Treasurer

CVCC Food Pantry

The CVCC Food Pantry is looking for people willing to step up and help.  If you are interested in helping with this mission to serve our community or would like more information please either send an e-mail or call the office at 603-447-3851.

“Flooding the Village with Music”

I am excited to tell you about an upcoming Night of Music and Joy to Benefit our Brown Church.

This joyful idea was suggested by Katherine Rhoda, who has so graciously been leading the worship music on the third Sunday of each month this summer. Her idea was presented to the church Council and was given the green light for the Diaconate to proceed. We decided to search for a variety of musical styles brought to us by area musicians who would come alongside us to help raise additional funds towards our flood recovery efforts. These funds will help us to make needed repairs so we can return to the church for worship, reopen the Food Pantry, open the kitchen for Dinner Bell and apple crisp preparation for the Fryeburg Fair.
The Majestic Theater was a generous supporter of the benefit. They are giving us guidance in the details of planning and help in the production and ticket sales of the project. We are so, so grateful!
The benefit concert is scheduled for Saturday, October 19th @ 7 PM.
So, now that I’ve shared the WHAT, the WHY, the WHO, the WHEN and the WHERE, WE are left with the HOW and that includes YOU!
“AND just HOW CAN I HELP?”, you ask. “SIMPLE”, I reply
1. Save the Date
2. Tell EVERYONE you know !! Invite one and all !!
3. Buy a ticket or 2, Give one to someone else! SPREAD the JOY!!
Let’s “be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Ephesians 5:17b-20

Stay tuned for further details – the full lineup of musicians, how to buy tickets, etc. It’s going to be a great time Flooding the Village with Music !!
Your Deacons, Louise, Judy, Beth, Jill and Charles

Women’s Bible Study

Hello! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer season filled with fun visits with family and friends!! We will resume Women’s Bible Study on Thursday, September 5 @ 1:00 PM at my home. We will finish our study in the book, Wisdom’s Daughters Stories of Women around Jesus.

Everyone is Welcome! If you are new to “bible study” or are new to our church, you may be sur- prised by how much fun we have, how many friends you’ll make and how quickly you’ll become a part of a new sisterhood that has similar questions, struggles and joys. Come, check it out! Any questions, call the church office at 603-447-3851  to let me know.

Blessings, Judy Workman

Please watch the weekly eblasts & ad in Conway Daily Sun for the service location as we hope to return to worship at the church sometime in September or October. 

September 2024 Worship Schedule

Sunday, September 1st – communion
Psalm 45:1-2. 6-9
James 1:17-27
Mark 7:1-8, 14-15
Sermon: “Be Quick … Be Slow”

Sunday, September 8th
Psalm 125
Isaiah 35:4-7a Mark 7:31-37
Sermon: “A Miracle of Hearing and Speaking”

Sunday, September 15th – Guest Preacher, Curt Reynolds

Sunday, September 22nd
Psalm 54:3-6, 8
Wisdom 2:12, 17-20
Mark 9:30-37
Sermon: “People Wrapped Up in Themselves”

Sunday, September 29th (No Zoom)
Psalm 19:8, 10, 12-13
James 5:1-6
Mark 9:42-50
Sermon: “Enliven Your Life”