Conway Village

Congregational Church

October 2024

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The End of an Era?

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight,O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.”                                      Psalm 19

These past weeks we have been dissembling our Estey Organ, built in 1906, and purchased the same year the sanctuary of the Brown Church was established. We have been separating wooden pipes from metal pipes, reclaiming and recycling them properly. In the process, it’s easy to recall the “sweet sound” of the Estey which had, not ornamental pipes on its front (like most organs), but pipes which played “stereo-like”, an innovation for its time. The organ was built in Brattleboro, Vermont by Jacob Estey who, though originally trained as a plumber, reinvented himself by creating organs for small sanctuaries that sounded more like the grand organs of much bigger churches. He did this by “turning pipes in on them- selves”, thus creating a sound twice as full as the pipe length. It was a state-of-the-art instrument of its day. The organ fostered a church community known for its choirs and musical programs.

Our congregation, which first gathered on Main Street in Conway Village, was created by people who saw slavery as an evil against humanity, necessitating their separation from a church community that did not! They were creating a new community of faith. It was a forward thinking, moral, innovative church looking to provide a thoughtful, faith sharing environment which could help others examine their faith in new ways. They believed they could make a difference by sharing their insights within the community which made up the Mount Washington Valley.

Some will say that the removal of the Estey marks the “end of an era”. Yet, the same reality our original community of faith faced we face today. Going for- ward, we ask ourselves:

How is God asking us to Change?

What is God asking us to Become 

as We continue to Serve our Community?

The question before us this year is not what the Covid-19 pandemic, and the December flooding, has taken from us. The question we need to answer is how God is challenging us to share our faith. Are we to be tied down by old traditions, customs, routines, assumptions, perceptions, anxieties? Or are we being released to be the imaginative community of faith we have always been in our 118 years of witness? Our Pledge Program this year will be more interac- tive and imaginative, representing how our community of faith has always functioned.

The 19th Psalm ends with King David singing and asking God to make him transformational, in every word he speaks, and, in every deed, he performs; David seeks to be an instrument of Divine Spirit. We continue this request as we create a new era for the Conway Village Church.

Yours in faith,
Rev. John Hughes

October means the Fryeburg Fair. Eighty bushels of apples have been delivered and the peeling, prepping and baking has begun. Thank you to Ella and her crew for the many hours of baking and to all those who are hand peeling and cutting the apples.
The building smells like crisp which is so nice after what we have been through. Four hundred and eighty pans will be made.

We still need help in the booth. Please call the office if you have not volunteered yet. It is a long week for those who have to work multiple shifts.

Carl and crew will be setting up the fair booth the week of the 24th. Be sure to tell your friends to come see us between September 29th to October 6th.

Flood Recovery Update The mechanical room (below) is completely cleaned out
and walls are being rebuilt. The mezza-nine will be next. This will hold the heat system equipment to keep it out of any flood waters. We are reviewing bids
and costs to get the boiler installed as soon as we can. The sanctuary will have a different system which will pro- vide heat and air conditioning.

The hot water heater is up and running, the propane is connected and the stove is running. The downstairs hallway and classroom have a new floor. The pantry has 2 new refrigeration units and shelving is going up.

The offices will need a new subfloor before carpet can be put down. Hopefully this will be done in the next 30 days. Melody has moved back in her office and it is great to have her back. We are slowly getting back to where we were before the flood. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we get all the work done.

We sent out a Trustee Appeal letter on August 1’st and as of the end of September, we have received 18 donations totaling $11,100. If you have not donated yet, please consider doing so. Very much needed and appreciated.

Anne Getchell

Trustee Board ~ Anne Getchell, John Edgerton, Duddie Andrews, Nancy Irving, Nancy Divine, Tom Workman, ex officio member, Treasurer

It’s FAIR time again!

October comes around so very fast year after year. As I prepare this piece, we are strategizing and planning coverage for peeling, cutting, baking and SELLING our world-famous apple crisp. It is always a stretch to finesse all the moving pieces for this monumental task, it’s a wonder it all gets done, and it typically all goes very well. Praying for good weather, wonderful faithful patrons of all things “crispy”, and generous vol- unteers that keep the stamina needed to be successful with this huge fundraiser.

AND, we have another big event this month as well!

An evening of amazing MUSIC at the Majestic Theatre. On October 19th, “Flooding the Village with Music” will be presented by local musicians offering their time and talents to help us raise funds for our flood-raising needs. This event will be general admission from 7-9 pm (may overrun as we have a few lively musicians who love to entertain!!) Tickets will be available soon and are $25. Please look for more information soon as we finalize the “playlist” and details. This will be a very exciting night and NOT TO BE MISSED! It will be live-streamed for anyone to watch from anywhere, so spread the word! As a fundraiser, the live stream will be available at the general admission pricing. 

Our congregation continues to look forward. We are hoping to get into the sanctuary very soon. Our resiliency as a group astounds me personally as many of us have had challenging events to work around as we recover from the flood and look for ways to creatively restore the church so we can plan on the future life in a restored multiuse building. It will be awesome to finally get back into our familiar spaces.
We give our sincere thanks to the generosity of the Majestic Theatre and their staff who have welcomed us during this time of transition. It does take a “village” and our Conway Village community has helped support us tremendously. It is all so very much appreciated.

Come to the fair, come hear the music. Look for updates for re-opening all of our missions and starting to hold our church services back at the church! We are blessed.
We are tired, we still have a lot of work and we stand ready for it all. God Bless, hope to see you all soon!

Louise Saxby
Your Deacons, Louise, Judy, Beth, Jill and Charles

CVCC Food Pantry

As mentioned in the previous newsletters we have been asking for back-up helping with the Pantry.   At the end of the year, we will be ending our time as coordinators. Due to Paul’s health, he is unable to do what he has done in the past. We are willing to show anyone that is interested in this how it works and what in entails. If interested,  please contact the office via e-mail or call 603-447-3851.

God Bless, Paul and Sylvia