Conway Village

Congregational Church

July 2024

Click the newsletter link below to view or download the newsletter

Meeting in a Tent

Sunday, July 14th we will be meeting as a church for worship, under a tent beside the Brown Church at 133 Main Street, Conway Village (if the weather permits). Tent meetings were quite the rage during the opening of the frontier in America. The services themselves were often called revivals”, calling for people to revive their passionate faith for the living God. There was, of course, no electronics involved as preachers had to allow their voices to carry over the large crowds that gathered. The Meetings began in America around the year 1800. Often a large tent was placed in the center of a circle and people set up their individual tents surrounding the area. People traveled hundreds of miles to attend camp meetings. When mud became a problem, sawdust was mixed in with the mud so people could walk without sinking down to the ankles – – it became known as The Sawdust Trailwhen people walked to the altar for altar calls, confirming their conversion to the faith. We will be celebrating a Tent Meeting on Sunday, July 14th, with a sermon in the revivalist theme and style.

Peter Cartwright is a good example of a Revivalist, known as the The Backwoods

Preacher”. He was converted at a Camp Meeting to Christianity at the age of 15. Peter had no formal training for the ministry, yet he had great passion. He was a massive individual of great strength and was very popular. [ He ran for politics against a lawyer known as Abra- ham Lincoln … and won!!]

Peter Cartwright often preached against the consumption of alcohol.  Once arriving in the pulpit, he set up a clear glass, poured in some alcohol, and dropped 3 -worms in the liquid – – they quickly shriveled up and disappeared. Peter said, Do you know what this

means? in a loud voice with a dramatic pause, when someone in the crowd said softly,

Yea, if you drink, you will not have worms. Cartwright yelled out, Who said that!

People did not dare to breathe, for they knew Cartwright was libel to take them out behind the tent and thrash them! Passions ran deep at camp meetings – – you needed to stand up for what you believed.

Why not come on Sunday, July 14th and experience a Tent Meeting for yourself.

We will have a tent we will use in the Yard Sale the day before, which will allow us to stage our revivalist service. Hopefully, it will not rain, and we will not need sawdust! There will be refreshments served immediately following the service. [ There will be no worms or alcohol! ]

Yours in Christ,

John Hughes <’}}><< <’}}}><<< <’}}}><<<<

Rev. John Hughes                                                                                    July 2024

Notice of Special Meeting

Dated: May 22, 2024

TO: All Members and Friends of the Conway Village Congregational Church

Special Meeting to be held Sunday, July 21st 2024

Change of Worship Service for July 21st, 2024  to begin at 9:30am

 We have moved the service time to 9:30 am to provide sufficient time for both our worship service and our special meeting, while being mindful of the Majestic’s schedule.

A Special Meeting of the Membership of the Conway Village Congregational Church will be held on Sunday, July 21, at approximately 10:30 am following the church service in person and via Zoom. As in the past, the vote will be for members only and will be conducted by roll call. Please use the weekly link for the church service to participate in this vote if you are attending by Zoom.

The purpose of this Special Meeting will be:

  1. Building reopening
  2. Review the 2024
  3. Review Church
  4. To conduct any other business that may come to the floor of the

Dated at: Conway, New Hampshire, on the 22nd of May 2024

Melody Bergman,
Administrative Assistant

A Gentle Visitor

In my mother’s garden close to God I’d feel
As I watched a fat bumblebee enjoying his meal.
Then suddenly a butterfly closely flit by
And landed as softly as a baby’s deep sigh.

Not on a flower did it opt to land,
Instead it fluttered, then lit on my hand.
I lifted my finger for a better look-see,
When, to my surprise, it kept staring at me.

The sun shone brightly on its gossamer wings,
What a wonderous creature to me Nature brings.
I held it up higher – this was my prize alone.
Where lives it’s family? Where was it’s home?

I truly believed it was speaking to me.
It’s mouth kept on moving, but so silently.
This new friend told me it came a long way
Just to lighten my heart and brighten my day.

“Once I crawled on the ground – was but a worm.
Then like a miracle with wings I’m adorned.
You too, some day, with wings will you fly
And drift around Heaven with angels on high.”

It’s eyes shone brighter and it’s wings opened wide,
Along came it’s friend and they left side by side.
Where they next landed I cannot relay,
But I’m sure they had brightened another child’s day.

You may call me a dreamer – imagination gone wild,
Why not be a dreamer when but a small child?

~ Mary Russo

Sunday, July 7th – Communion
Scripture: Psalm 48, 2 Samuel 5:1-5,9-10, Mark 6:1-13
Sermon: “Shake Off the Dust from Your Feet”

Sunday, July 14th
Scripture: Psalm 24, Deuteronomy 32:35, Mark 6:14-29
Sermon: “Jesus’ Name Had Become Known”

Sunday, July 21st
Scripture: Psalm 89:20-37, 2 Samuel 7:1-14a, Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Sermon: TBD

Sunday, July 28th
Scripture: Psalm 14, 2 Samuel 11:1-15, John 6:1-21
Sermon: TBD

The Tuckerman Brewery and the Blue Grit Blues Band invited us to hold a fundraiser on Sunday, June 9th. The staff was friendly and helpful, and the band sounded great. Tuckerman’s donated $1.00 per pint sold throughout the day and provided us a place to set up a display and hold a Pick-a-Prize raffle with about eight raffle prizes. We raised a total of $1,676 between Tuckerman’s donations from pints sold, the pick-a-prize raffle and the donation jar. It was a very positive day, not only for the funds raised, but also for the visibility in the community. Many people upon reviewing the informational display board asked a lot of questions about the flooding damage. They were interested in what is next, where we are on the road to recovery, when we think we will be able to reopen our church and our missions, and what we can do to prevent this from happening again. One other benefit this event provided was an opportunity to socialize with about twenty members of our congregation. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this event.

Our next fundraiser is the Yard Sale, Bake Sale, Craft Sale on Saturday, July 13th. If you have items for the yard sale the drop off times are 10 AM to Noon on June 22nd, June 29th, and July 6th. Please refer to the list of types of items that we are looking for and items that we cannot accept. For this event, we also need folks to bake goods for the bake sale. Please contact Paul & Sylvia Weld regarding the bake sale. We will need volunteers! Many folks will be needed in the morning from about 7:30 to 8:30 AM to help haul all the donated yard sale goods from the classroom to the side lawn and organize them on tables. We will also need volunteers through- out the day to help with various aspects of the event. Sign-up sheets are available at the Majestic on Sunday mornings. If you are not able to attend services and would like to volunteer, please call, or email the church. Please also pass the word to your friends and share the event on social media.

Although it is only the end of June, the trustees are already working on the Fryeburg Fair plans. We are prayerfully hoping to be back in the church with a fully operational kitchen and enough refrigeration space to bake our apple crisp this year.  The Fryeburg Fair is by far our biggest fundraiser and is absolutely necessary for us to cover our operating expenses. We have a tentative plan this year to begin the peeling and baking process earlier than usual, so that the prep work and baking is complete prior to the fair opening. This will hopefully alleviate the need for the double shifts that folks have been working in recent years— working mornings at the church and afternoons and evenings at the fair booth or vice versa. The current plan, which of course is subject to change, is to begin the apple prep and baking the week of September 15th concluding September 27th. We operate two shifts each day at the church for prepping apples—a morning shift, and an evening shift. The Fryeburg Fair dates are September 29th to October 6th. We also need to cover two shifts per day for the fair booth, with three, preferably four, people per shift in the booth.

On behalf of the board of trustees and our congregation I would like to express our gratitude to Anne Getchell and Nancy Divine for the workload the two of them have been carrying since December 19th. They have spent hour upon hour, day after day, week after week working on lists, quotes, reports, government forms,  grant applications and meetings with various agencies, officials, tradesmen, and engineers. If not for the selfless, tireless effort of these two, we would likely still be trying to determine how and if we can reopen the church, instead of “when we will reopen”. Thank you, Anne and Nancy, for all that you do!

Nancy Irving, Trustee

Our Faith Community is continuing to worship on Sundays, both in person at the Majestic Theater and on Zoom for anyone not able to attend. The necessary work is continuing to progress with the goal of ultimately reopening our building at some future date.
Rev. Hughes will be on a long needed vacation from July 15th through August 14th. While on vacation Curt Reynolds, Carl Vitters and I will lead worship services.
Please join us on Saturday, July 13, for a joint yard sale with the Historical Society under a tent. Our July 14th worship will also be held under the tent with fellowship to follow. We hear Charlyne’s infa- mous deviled eggs are a must!
Please mark your calendar for our Special Meeting, our mid-year church business meeting, on July 21st. Worship service begins at 9:30 at the Majestic.
Guest Musician Katherine Rhoda will continue to join us on July 21st, August 18th, September 15th and October 20th.
We appreciate that our community continues to step forward, now that we have a plan for recovery.
This road has been and will continue to be very difficult. Many, many thanks to all of those involved.

Charles Monaghan

Conway Village Church Diaconate: Co-Chairs: Louise Saxby and Judy Workman, Beth Campbell (Secretary), Jill Reynolds and Charles Monaghan.

Thank you!

The Conway Village Congregational Church wishes to give our grateful thanks to
Tuckerman Brewing for hosting “Raise a Pint for The Brown Church”.
Thank you to the Blue Grit Blues Band for the wonderful entertainment! “The support of our community is another step closer to opening our church.”
We would also like to express our gratitude to all those who donated prizes for our “Pick-A-Prize”!
Tuckerman Brewing, Cranmore Mountain, Barley & Salt, Mt. Washington Auto Road & The Fryeburg Fair! A special thank you to Bob Bernhardt!
We raised approximately $1,676!
Thank you to all who attended this wonderful event.

The Rainbow appeared in the sky after the event – – I assume it was God signaling us for a job well done!

CVCC Food Pantry

Paul and Sylvia are looking for help with the Food Pantry. If anyone is willing to step up and help please contact Melody either with the church’s email or call 603-447-3851. Please contact us if you would like more information. Thank you , The Welds

Repairs & Updates are moving along . . . .

Rev. Hughes put together a terrific crew including Charles Monaghan,

Charles Boswell, himself and John Saxby to clean the shingles etc. Next up – staining on the north and west sides and the inside L near Admin office. Week of June 23rd, the church will oversee a crew of 5-youths and 6-adults coming to cover the church with brown! Thank you to all, the church is looking better and better every day!