Conway Village

Congregational Church

August 2024

Click the newsletter link below to view or download the newsletter

A Joyous Time

There is an old Dutch proverb, “Vele handen maken licht werk” translates “many hands make light work”. The proverb emphasizes the power of teamwork, the efficiency of collective efforts. It suggests that complex tasks become more manageable when several people divide up a project.

In late Spring, Tivvi Paré, Horton Center Executive Director at Pine Mountain, contacted the church to put us in contact with Aidan Kelly, Associate Pastor of the Mystic, Connecticut Congregational Church, U.C.C.  Aidan asked if 6 youth and 5 adults could come to Conway Village to learn about the reality of Global Warming and Periodic flooding. They came to receive a tour of the flood damage and have their questions answered – – this took one hour. The group then spent the next 3 hours covering windows with plastic and then spreading stain on the North wall of the Brown Church. They broke for a lunch of sandwiches, chips, and cold drinks prepared by the Horton Center kitchen – – They had a dessert of chocolate chip cookies, which I prepared and blessed so they would have no calories!

This project served two functions, 1) it gave a senior high youth group a mission project important to their development, and 2) it helped frame and answer concerns they have as they look to protecting their church, because the Mystic Congregational Church is in a flood zone. The sharing of information, the sharing of labor, the sharing of fellowship and comradery made the project joyous.

The project was an example of “many hands make light work” but also an example of how sister churches can learn and support each other in times of need. It is my hope that youth programs within the Mount Washington Valley might feel moved to learn about the realities of periodic flooding, global warming, and how shared sacrifice can bring joy to your life.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. John Hughes

HOT! Just plain hot!!! And despite that, we still pulled off a successful event on July 13th and a church service under the tent on the 14th. This was the first service we have had at the church since the flood. The Trustees and the Council recently had their meetings at the church, but without air conditioning, it is difficult.

On Saturday, we had our Yard Sale event which also included crafts and a bake sale in Fellowship Hall (with no AC!). It was done jointly with the Conway Historical Society. It was a hot day and the set up started at 7 AM. A big thank you to all those who helped set up, work the event, and clean up at the end of the day. The breakdown: Bake Sale, $468. Wood items, $95 Quilting, $207 Donations, $430 and the Yard Sale, $2,892.10. TOTAL $4,092.10.

While we had the tent up an extra day, it was decided to hold the July 14th service under the tent. We had fifty-two attend the service despite the heat. Thank you to Jill Reynolds and Dick Vierus for the sing along music. More photos on the next page. After the service, we had coffee hour in Fellowship Hall. Thanks to Paul and Sylvia Weld for organizing!

The July 21st Special Meeting will have taken place by the time you receive the newsletter. Some of you will receive the handouts in the mail, others can print them off the Eblast that was sent July 15th. More will be available that day. The service is at 9:30 and the meeting will start at 10:30. WE HOPE YOU WILL ATTEND! We will review the by-law changes, the updated 2024 budget and share with you the status of the repairs to the church and funds raised to date. We have a proposed timeline for repairs and estimated costs to date. We will talk about a Flood Recovery Appeal to church members.

Keep cool!

Anne Getchell

Trustee Board ~ Anne Getchell, John Edgerton, Duddie Andrews, Nancy Irving, Nancy Divine, Tom Workman, ex officio member, Treasurer

August 4th – Charles Monaghan
Scripture: Psalm 78:23-29, Exodus 16: 2-4, 9-15, John 6: 24-35
Sermon: “What Must We Do to Perform the Works of God”

August 11th – Carl Vitters

August 18th – Rev. John Hughes
Scripture: Psalm 111, 1Kings 3:7-14, John 6:51-58
Sermon: “To Understand What is Right”

August 25th – Rev. John Hughes
Scripture: Psalm 84, Ephesians 6:10-20, John 6:56-69
Sermon: “To Whom Can We Go?”

My message is an attempt to share the incredible weekend of Saturday July 13th Yard Sale 9am-3pm & Sunday July 14th Worship & Praise Church service @ 10am under the tent.
Leading up to the weekend was crazy busy. Saturday, July 13 started around 6:30am setting up the tables, bringing everything out to designated areas: kitchen items, dishes, glassware, furniture, puzzles (over 250!), books, exercise & sports equipment, children’s items, Christmas decorations, a table of “make an offer” and an area for “free stuff”.
“Early birds” started showing up by 7:30. We were unpacking boxes throughout the day. As soon as there was space available, more items were displayed. It was definitely hot, but cold bottled water was available all day. The job of separating out the items to be brought to the “free” area at the top of the hill began at about 2:15. A carload of items were taken to Harvest Hills for their thrift shop. The remaining items were temporarily moved into the classroom. Tables were packed up and everything was done by 4:30 when it started raining.
From 9am to 3pm fellowship hall hosted the sales of crafted wood items provided by Bob, a variety of Charlyne’s hand quilted items, along with lots of baked goods. Nancy Irving manned the register and handled all credit cards sales.
Also taking place Saturday morning, for the first time since December, was a food pantry distribution! Paul and Sylvia have been diligent in keeping in contact with the Brown Church Pantry families since the flood, some of whom have not been able to participate with the Vaughn food pantry program. In addition to the usual items, were farm fresh vegetables donated by local farmers and frozen ground beef from Sherman’s Farm. Maintaining these relationships is priceless, thank you both.
Sunday was another morning of setting up under the tent. Chairs were arranged, microphones, a speaker, and other “tech stuff”, the altar, an area for live music and a large fan. 52 people were blessed to experience a truly wonderful event. Dick and Jill played guitar and Alice led the singing of some old familiar hymns. The last one was a sing-along “Joy, joy, joy”!
The children’s message was entertaining for the young and the young at heart. I for one look forward to another visit from the “special guest”. The moral of the story is “do unto otters as we want otters to do unto us”.
At the end of the service, Jill took the opportunity to talk about the Brown church tradition of ending worship with a friendship circle. It’s been many years since we’ve joined hands to sing the words “God be with you till we meet again”.
Immediately following worship, we were invited inside for the first fellowship hour since December. Craft and baked good sales continued
during Fellowship benefiting the church. There were monetary donations for the food pantry to purchase perishable food items as well.
The weekend was a great success! Many hands were needed to coordinate and make sure the weekend was successful, both financially and spiritually. THANKS TO EVERYONE!!!
On a serious note: “To be able to take care of others you must take care of yourself first…”
One of the members of the Diaconate needs to step off the board at the end of October. If you might be interested in becoming a Deacon, please let us know.
I wish there was a way to share the warmth and sense of “coming home” that I continue to experience.
I overheard the best description ~ “My cup is full”!
God be with you till we meet again, Beth

Conway Village Church Diaconate: Co-Chairs: Louise Saxby and Judy Workman, Beth Campbell (Secretary), Jill Reynolds and Charles Monaghan.

CVCC Food Pantry

On Saturday, July 13th, Paul and Sylvia gave our pantry clients bags of fresh produce, canned goods, meat and rolls. We are working diligently to get the pantry open!
Paul and Sylvia are looking for help to back them up with the Food Pantry. If anyone is willing to step up and help, we will share how the pantry operates. You can send an e-mail to or call the office at 603-447-3851 and the message will get to us. Thanks!